About Mike

Embracing Intermittent Fasting:

Welcome to my Calorie Lifestyle Blog!

Hey there, welcome to my journey to a healthier me!

I’m thrilled you’re here, and I can’t wait to share my passion for healthy living with you. My name is Michael, and I started this website to help others navigate their journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Here, you’ll find a wealth of information on intermittent fasting, counting calories, daily exercise, product reviews, and much more—all aimed at making us healthier.

Why I Write This Blog

I believe living a healthy life should be accessible and enjoyable for everyone. I created this space—to inform, inspire, and support you on your health and wellness journey. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain energy, or feel better in your skin, my goal is to provide practical advice and motivation to help you achieve your goals.

What You’ll Find Here

  • Intermittent Fasting: Discover the benefits of intermittent fasting, learn how to get started, and find tips for making it a sustainable lifestyle.
  • Counting Calories: Learn the importance of calorie counting, get tips on tracking your intake effectively, and explore recipes that make healthy eating delicious and satisfying.
  • Daily Exercise: From beginner workouts to advanced routines, find exercise plans that fit your schedule and fitness level and get motivated to move your body daily.
  • Product Reviews: Honest and comprehensive reviews of the latest health and fitness products, from gadgets and gear to supplements and books. I provide detailed insights to help you make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Healthy Tips and Tricks: Explore various topics to support your overall wellness, including nutrition advice, health tips, and strategies for maintaining a balanced lifestyle.
  • Regular updates: I regularly update Calorie Lifestyle with articles covering various topics. You can look forward to new content every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Whether you’re looking for new workout ideas, meal planning tips, or insights into the latest health trends, you’ll find a wealth of information designed to educate and inspire you.

My Journey

My health journey has been filled with ups and downs, but along the way, I’ve discovered the powerful impact of intermittent fasting, a balanced diet, regular exercise, and mindful habits on our lives. Through trial and error, research, and personal experience, I’ve gathered a wealth of knowledge I’m excited to share.

Join the Community

Health and wellness are not just about individual efforts but community and support. I encourage you to engage with the content, share your experiences, and connect with others on a similar path. We can build a community that encourages and uplifts each other towards our healthiest selves.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I’m honored to be a part of your journey towards better health.

Here’s to making a healthier us!

Check out these calculators.

I used them to get my BMR, and the calculators tell us how many calories we should eat

How to Get in Touch

I’m always excited to hear from my readers! Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback. You can reach me through the Contact Page or email me at michael@calorielifestyle.com. Your input is invaluable and helps me improve the content and resources I provide.

Thank you for being a part of this community. I’m here to help you every step of the way as we work towards a healthier us.

Warm regards,

Michael Crossman

Engage with Me!

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